The Influence Of Profitability, Company Growth, And Previous Audit Opinions On Going Concern Audit Opinions
Case Study of JII70 Company on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2018 -2021
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Debi Sylvia
This research aims to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of Profitability, Company Growth and Previous Year Audit Opinions on the acceptance of Going Concern Audit Opinions . The independent variables used are Profitability, Company Growth and Previous Year Audit Opinion. And the dependent variable used is Going Concern Audit Opinion . This type of research data is secondary data obtained from and the company website. This research uses a purposive sampling method with the sample companies in this research being the Jakarta Islamic Index 70 (JII70) companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2021. The number of samples obtained was 28 companies with observations for 4 years. The hypothesis in this study was tested using logistic regression analysis using SPSS version 26. The results of this study based on a partial test (Wald test) showed that: 1) The Profitability variable had no significant effect on the Going Concern Audit Opinion . 2) The Company Growth variable has no significant effect on the Going Concern Audit Opinion . 3) The previous year's Audit Opinion variable has a significant effect on the Going Concern Audit Opinion . And based on the results of the simultaneous test (omnibus test) it shows that the variables Profitability, Company Growth and Previous Year Audit Opinion simultaneously have a significant effect on the Going Concern Audit Opinion . And the determinant coefficient obtained was 0.390 or 39%, which means that the independent variable contributed 39% to the dependent variable and the remaining 61% was explained by other variables outside this research.
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